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Friday, August 24, 2001

August 8-18: Michelle's Adventures in Journeyland (part 3)

Friday was our busy day. It began rather hectic, but smoothed out quickly. Our first problem was that Toni’s flight, originally due at 10:00 a.m. had been canceled, and she wouldn’t be arriving until 2:00 p.m. Bummer! She was going to miss most of the pre-concert events! Most of the rest of the group gathered in the lobby of the Holiday Inn in preparation for our tour of the Plant Studios in Sausalito. This is the recording studio Journey had used to record Raised on Radio in the mid-80s and returned to late in 2000 to record the additional tracks for their new CD Arrival. We were all ready to go, but Emerson and Val hadn’t arrived yet. They were driving up from San Jose, and we didn’t know where they were. It was getting late, and we had made an appointment to be at the studio by 9:30 so we loaded up the cars and headed out and tried Emerson on his cell phone. Turns out, he had gotten lost driving to the hotel! Terrific! So here I am driving a bunch of people to Sausalito in the lead car, pointing out the Golden Gate Bridge, and trying to figure out where Emerson is and how to get him to where we were! Thank goodness I’m a professional multi-tasker!
We all arrived at The Plant safe and sound, with Emerson only a few minutes behind us! (Wow! I guess I do know how to get people around The City!) The Plant is located in a very weird little spot—it’s not actually on the street that is indicated on their address, but off in a little gully with no real streets. I was grateful we had scoped out where it was in our planning or we would have never found the place. We all went up to the entrance, and Darla rang for Barbara—the manager who would be giving us the tour. It’s really hard to describe what the place was like other than to say it was really cool. It’s fairly famous recording studio where such huge albums like Rumours by Fleetwood Mac and Songs in the Key of Life by Stevie Wonder were recorded. More recently, it was used by Carlos Santana for some of the Supernatural sessions and Metallica is a regular client.
Our first stop was Studio A, which is the studio Metallica uses. It’s a huge room and the ceiling had been raised specifically for Metallica so that they could get a more live sound, particularly with the drums. The next stop was Studio B—the oldest room in the studio. This is where the “old timers” go to record. Carlos Santana uses that studio and there was a blanket with pictures of Bob Marley hanging in the booth that he had given to the studio. This is where Journey recorded for Arrival.
The last studio was the Garden Room, which is used mainly for mixing. It was a very interesting, very modern looking room and quite different from the other two studios we had seen. While giving the tour, Barbara told us various stories about the history of the studio. Alas, I wasn’t paying a whole lot of attention to many of them as I spent considerable time gawking at the various Gold and Platinum records that were adorning the walls. We headed out into the garden (replete with requisite hot tub) and buried poor Barbara in cameras for a group picture.
Back to the Holiday Inn for lunch, games and surprises. As the master of ceremonies for the games (well, I made ‘em, soooo) I set up Cheryl’s computer for the grand show. Alas, I do think our attendees now think I’m cruel. The games weren’t that hard and they had been told to listen to all of their Journey and Steve Perry records before coming...
Fully brain fried and finally fed, it was time for the surprise of the weekend. The committee (minus Mary Ann who knew what was coming but hadn’t seen it) gathered our guests on to the two beds in the room in front of the tv, then sat off to one side as we popped in a video tape Emerson had made. Everyone watched in enjoyment as still photos from various recent Journey concerts appeared on the screen and video clips from past and present. Emerson did a terrific job, but the coup de grace was yet to come, and the 4 committee members, plus Emerson, waited eagerly to see the reaction.
With camera ready, I zoomed in on our guests as the video cut to the guys in Journey hanging around a non-descript room. It took folks a moment to realize that this was not archival tape, but new, recent footage. There on tape were Ross Valory, Jonathan Cain, Steve Augeri, Neal Schon, and Deen Castronovo. I think the look on everyone’s faces when Ross said “Hi we understand you’re having a convention for Journey Past and Present” is something I will remember for the rest of my life. The tears and gasps from the attendees as each member got a personal hello from one of the guys were unforgettable. When the tape was over, we handed out the goodie bags, which included a copy of the tape for each attendee.
By now, it was time to start getting ready for the concert. Since I needed to pick up Stacy as well as the pictures I had been waiting for, I took volunteers to leave early. Michelle A., Angie, and Leslie F. piled into my car and we headed south to Mountain View for dinner and the concert. We arrived at Chevy’s on time, and were shortly joined by Denise. The rest of the crew took a bit longer to arrive since they left a bit later than planned and got stuck in some traffic.
Dinner for 25 people is always tricky, especially when people get lost and stuck in traffic, so it was a mad dash from the restaurant to my office where we were parking the cars since it’s a fairly easy walk to Shoreline from there and helps avoid the post-concert parking lot traffic. This later turned out to be less convenient than normal. We lost Rose in the process of departing the restaurant, so I sent everyone else off in the general direction of the amphitheater and waited with Ana Marie and Toni for Rose to arrive. She made it at last, and we trekked over to Shoreline, alas, not in time to see John Waite. Ana Marie and Toni went to collect their fan club seats and Rose and I headed inside. I wanted to get to my seat to make sure Denise and Stacy had gotten settled okay since I felt I had rather abandoned them to their own devices while I was busy playing den mother to the JPP attendees.
When I got to my 8th row seat, Stacy was there, but Denise had run off to find a friend who was sitting in another section. I started filling Stacy in on the various adventures I’d been having and pointed out a woman a few rows in front of us who was wearing a Journey Fan Club T-shirt. As I was pointing, I realized I knew her! She was a fan from San Jose that I had met several years earlier in Grand Rapids Michigan (of all places). I went over to say hello, and lo and behold, there was Cat, taking a break from her Fan Club duties. She was thrilled to see me—she told me she had given our proclamations and T-shirts to the guys and that they loved them. She also told me to find everyone and make sure they were in their seats for the opening video sequence because the guys had “done something.” Off I raced to find as many folks as I could!
Naturally, as I’m racing up the steps I hear someone call out my name. It’s Les, Neal’s step-dad. He’s sitting on the aisle about 4 rows behind me! We chat briefly before I tell him I need to dash and find my friends. I had no idea where most people were sitting so was trying to figure out how to find 15 people in a crowd of 22,000. Fortunately as I got to the top of the steps, there were Darla and Cheryl. I raced to their seats and told them what Cat told me and told them if they saw anyone else to spread the word! I knew some of the group had volunteered to help with the BrightStar foundation booth, so I went looking for them that way. As luck would have it, Mary Ann, Michelle A., and Leslie F. were working the walkway for the backstage pass raffle. I grabbed them and told them what was going on, and then got the second shock of the evening. Ana Marie had gotten backstage passes with her fan club seat! Wow! How cool was that???
I dashed back inside, and found Darla and Cheryl again and told them the happy news. They told me that Dale was sitting on the opposite side from where they were, so I raced over there and told Dale all the news. I couldn’t find anyone else, so I hoped the word would spread. I was back in my seat in plenty of time to catch Peter Frampton, and I told Stacy what was going on. I kept looking for Ana Marie to arrive since her fan club seat had to be somewhere near my seat...I didn’t see her until after Frampton’s set was over and she was off to the side talking with Cat, Michelle A., and Angie. By this time the excitement was really getting to me, and I was actually nauseous and shaking. Cat relieved some of that tension by telling us that the guys were putting the proclamation in the opening video! I gave Ana Marie a big hug and congratulated her on her passes...Could this night get any better??
I went back to my seat since my knees were getting wobbly and I needed to get a grip before the concert started. When the opening video came up and went through the sequence that I had seen several times before of the freeway signs for San Francisco/San Jose/Santa Cruz and other local signs I grabbed my camera.. I wasn’t about to miss this. Boom! Up comes “Proclamation” in big bold letters...straight off the Proclamation we had given the guys. A quick scroll down to the words “Journey Day in San Francisco” and the roar from the crowd was unbelievable. I nearly burst into tears. We did that! Months of hard work putting together this little fan-gathering and it had paid off in a huge way!
The concert began and ended all too soon, and the next thing I know the group is sitting outside Shoreline waiting on Ana Marie and Toni to return from their after show meet and greet. Being the hometown show, we figured the meet and greet would go even quicker than usual. So we stood and waited...and waited...and waited...We saw people coming out, but no Ana Marie or Toni....20 minutes...30 minutes...45 it’s nearing midnight, and people are getting cold and tired. So Darla and I decide since the parking lot is empty to go get the cars and pick people up rather than make them walk back to my office. Stacy and Denise came with us so Denise could give Stacy a ride home (which was a huge help to me!) About half way to the car, my cell phone’s Ana Marie...she’s finally working her way out and is so excited that she can barely speak. I get a quick run down of what happened which I relay to Darla. We learn later that Ana Marie had been sent to the wrong place. Instead of the normal fan meet and greet, she got sent to the friends and family wonder it took so long...she had to wait until the guys finished the meet and greet before she even saw them!
to be continued...

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