Las Vegas, NV
Aladdin Casino
Finally some free time and access to a computer that can access the 'net. (Horrible how addicted we are to these things!) Well, two show in two days = two posts. First, Friday night in Vegas....
I arrived in Vegas Thursday afternoon, and, as I generally loathe Vegas, I took my time settling in to my room at the Stratosphere. After a while, I decided I'd better go find something to eat, so I headed back down to the lobby. When I stepped off the elevator, above all the din of the casino and the piped in music I could have sworn I heard Journey playing.Well, obviously I was just in Journey-on-the-brain mode since there would be no reason to be hearing Journey at the Stratosphere. I rounded the corner and stopped dead in my tracks -- one of the bars was playing the 2001 DVD! I wasn't crazy! I DID hear Journey!
After lunch, I decided to check out the public transportation options to get to the Aladdin, so I worked my way out and down the strip. By the time I got to the Aladdin, I was dying of thirst and tired of walking. I got a water and found a place to sit outside the performing arts center before exploring around to find out where the 5-star party would be the next day. Wound up running in to Jim and chatted with him for a bit. I had a hard time leaving the Aladdin because I kept running into folks -- including a brief hello to Neal in the casino.
Friday started off quietly and Lula and I kicked back in our room most of the day before heading off to meet folks at the buffet. Wow, great food and good crowd! Lots of visiting and eating before I headed off to the 5-star pre-party. When I was handed my envelope with my ticket in it, I about fell over -- FRONT ROW SEAT! Yes! This was the key reason I shelled out the extra money for the package, and boy did it pay off!
I got into the show and walked all the way down front and just couldn't stop smiling. By the time the show was over my face hurt! As at the other shows this week, there was an intro explaining the whole concept which has been recorded by Ross. Then the boys took the stage. Since most of the folks in the pit were 5-star, we were all on our feet the second the first note was played (if not before) We never sat down again. I've gotta say, being front row, dead center in front of Steve was just an incredible experience. Got lots of "one on one" interaction from the guys -- though I think the wave from Ross during "Of a Lifetime" was the biggest thrill.
Now, of course there IS a drawback to being in the front row -- can't really hear the vocals. Ah well.... the music sounded great, and I know all the words anyway! It was the same set list they've been playing, so no surprises. I did get a kick during "Faith in the Heartland" when Neal turned towards the side of the stage and started playing for Aja -- very cute! Not being able to hear the vocals, actually allowed me to notice a few different things -- Ross's playing on "Wheel in the Sky" was just outstanding! I kind of take him for granted, and was just pleasantly surprised at being able to really HEAR him for a change.
The guys were having loads of fun on stage as well. Steve would goof around with Ross's mic stand and he actually hit the squirty baby at the crowd! Deen was flirting with half the girls in the front, and generally being goofy behind the kit. When they hit "Don't Stop Believin'" Steve did something I hadn't seen before... he walked to the top of the risers behind Deen's drums, and started the song from there. Finally, when they came out for the encore, they started goofing on something, and at first I thought they were playing "Happy Birthday". I tried to think who's birthday it might be when the song morphed and I realized they were playing "It's a Small World"! Different kind of intro into "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'"! LOL!
After the show a bunch of folks gathered at one of the bars for the usual post-concert party. It was really nice seeing so many familiar faces and getting to hang out, especially with the Brits -- you guys rock!
It was a late night and back to the hotel for a quick sleep and then mad morning of packing, ticket buying, and traveling. Ahh... Tahoe... what a lovely destination. (more to come....)

Set List:
People & Places intro
Of a Lifetime (Jon)
I'm Gonna Leave You (Jon)
Nickel & Dime
Mystery Mountain (Jon)
Patiently (Deen)
Where Were You (Deen)
Feeling That Way (Jon/Steve)
Anytime (Jon/Steve)
Any Way You Want It

DVD intro
Be Good to Yourself
Only the Young
Faith in the Heartland
Star Spangled Banner
Stone in Love
Higher Place
Wheel in the Sky
Voodoo Chile/Gypsy Queen (Neal)
Walks Like a Lady
Every Generation (Jon)
Who's Crying Now
-- Jon solo --
Open Arms
Out of Harms Way
Don't Stop Believin'
Separate Ways
Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'
Seriously, there were WAY too many fantastic photos to choose from, so I just picked some favorites for this post.
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