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Sunday, July 13, 2014

July 1, 2014: Killer Queen!

San Jose, CA
SAP Center

It's taken me a bit longer to put this together than I'd expected, so with out further ado.

Last Tuesday night I met up with Leslie, Todd, and Emerson to take in Queen + Adam Lambert in San Jose. All I can say is "Wow!" Totally amazing night. Before we get to that, however, a little back story. I was never a huge Queen fan "back in the day." They were a band that was more popular with friends' older siblings than me or most of my friends. I knew who they were and a handful of songs of course, but for the most part if anyone asked me about them my response would have been along the lines of "yeah, they're OK I guess" and then would have promptly forgotten about it. I really had no opinion one way or the other about them and, all things considered, I only really remember hearing "We Will Rock You/We Are the Champions" and "Another One Bites the Dust" on the radio when I was a kid. (I'm sure I heard other tunes, I just have no recollection of them at all.) So, clearly, I came very late to the Queen party. In fact, I'm pretty sure that it wasn't until I heard/saw the Freddie Mercury tribute concert in my early 20s that I really registered what an incredible band they were. Better late than never I suppose.

Now, add in to this mix that I have probably watched a grand total of 15 minutes of American Idol in my life. Reality television just isn't my thing and I'm not overly interested in talent shows any way. Since I don't live under a rock, I had heard of Adam Lambert and vaguely knew who he was, but beyond that he was on my radar about as much as Queen was when I was 10.

Still, when the tickets went on sale for this show I thought "hey, that could be loads of fun!" I'd seen Queen in 2006 when they had Paul Rodgers handling the lead singer duties and had been blown away by their show. Despite not knowing much about Adam Lambert, I did know enough to think he'd be a better fit for Queen than Paul Rodgers was. Boy was I ever right!

I'm going to start off by saying despite finding an appreciation for Queen 20-some years ago now, I'm still mostly a "Greatest Hits" fan. I knew most of the songs in the set, but there were a handful that I wasn't all that familiar with. None of that mattered at all.

The show kicked off about 8:15 with all kinds of pomp and flair and when Adam Lambert walked out in his shades, leather jacket, black t-shirt, and leather pants I leaned over to Emerson and said "he's channeling his inner George Michael!" (Seriously, he looked like '90s era George Michael.) He came out with tons of energy and flair and early on in the show I thought how great it was that Brian May and Roger Taylor let him just be himself while performing. They easily could have told him to reign things in -- they're the Rock and Roll Hall of Famers after all. One of my favorite over the top moments came during "Killer Queen" when Adam Lambert was lounging on a purple fainting chair fanning himself off.

As a singer and general performer, Adam Lambert was fabulous. He didn't have that compelling magnetism that made Freddie Mercury famous and is a sign of a strong front man. That's not to say he wasn't fantastic, but just that he didn't have that vibe/energy that had everyone following what he does. I think it's probably a combination of his age and relative lack of experience (compared to the rest of the guys on stage) and the fact that he's the "fill in guy" and it's not his own stuff he's performing. There's a difference between great entertainer and compelling performer that's a little hard to describe/define; it's one of those "I know it when I see it" kind of things. Adam is definitely in the former category.

When I saw Queen with Paul Rodgers, the show was quite good, but there were songs that Paul Rodgers couldn't (or didn't) sing because he doesn't have the range that Freddie did. Adam Lambert, on the other hand, covered the whole range magnificently. My favorite Queen songs are mostly the slower ballads -- Freddie's voice is so amazing on many of them -- and Adam nailed them.

Overall, the show was the kind of show you remember going to (or wanting to go to) as a teenager. Loud, fog machines, multi-colored lights, laser lights, a spinning disco ball. All of it. Just amazing production. There was even a dual drum solo featuring Rufus Taylor (presumably) Roger Taylor's son on one kit while Roger was on the other. I can't remember the last show I went to that had an honest-to-god drum solo. Later in the show Brian May had about a 5 minute guitar solo. Again, I can't remember the last time I saw a show with a solo like that. Probably the last time I saw Queen!

Brian May and Roger Taylor each took a turn on lead vocals. Brian did a lovely acoustic version of "Love of My Life" and Roger took on "These Are the Days of Our Lives." The latter was accompanied with video of the band in their hey day. I've loved that song from the moment I first discovered it and the older I get the more I appreciate it. Brought a bit of a tear to my eye.

The climax of the show, of course, was the finale. "Bohemian Rhapsody" is a bear of a song to sing and performing it live has got to be a huge challenge. It was handled beautifully. Adam Lambert started it, then it switched to Freddie's vocals on the video, and the multi-layered vocals were also the famed video. The song closed out with Adam back on vocals, but trading off the last few lines with Freddie. Adam totally nailed the song and it was AMAZING to watch. I shot some video on my phone and when I've gotten a chance to see if I can fix the orientation issues I'll upload it to my YouTube account and update this post. (Trying to find time to do that has already delayed this entry by 12 days!)

Of course the encore was the perfect ending to the show -- "We Will Rock You/We Are the Champions." It was all over much too quickly, but it was a fun and hugely entertaining night out. I hope they come back around again soon.

Set List (courtesy

Now I'm Here
Stone Cold Crazy
Another One Bites the Dust
Fat Bottomed Girls
In the Lap of the Gods... Revisited
Seven Seas of Rhye
Killer Queen
Somebody to Love
I Want It All
Love of My Life
These Are the Days of Our Lives
-- drum solo --
Under Pressure
Love Kills
Who Wants to Live Forever
-- guitar solo --
Tie Your Mother Down
Don't Stop Me Now
Radio Ga Ga
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
The Show Must Go On
Bohemian Rhapsody

We Are the Champions
We Will Rock You