Kelseyville, CA
Konocti Harbor Resort & Spa
Konocti Harbor Resort & Spa
Happy Independence Day one and all (or near enough!) Finally home from a quick trip to Clear Lake for the show at Konocti Harbor (and a few subsequent holiday weekend BBQs.) A much more pleasant evening this year than last when the winds off the lake froze everyone -- temps in the 90s during the day and still in the mid-70s by the time the show ended at 10 p.m. Okay, that is one of my few complaints about shows at Konocti -- they start and end so darned early! Very strange watching a concert in daylight for nearly 3 hours! The curfew also meant they cut "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'" a bit short -- they just launched right into it instead of Steve's usual intro and once we got through the first round of "Na nas" that was it! Ah well.
As has been noted elsewhere, the set list has changed from the opening show in Irvine. While I wish they'd given that set list more than just ONE gig to try out on the fans, I can understand why they've tweaked it. In addition to having an announcer explain how the show will work before it starts, the guys each explain a little about what songs we're hearing (thus not forcing me to wrack my brain trying to recall "Nickel & Dime," which was the song I could not recall in Irvine.) I'm guessing this is what Jon meant by "hand holding" the fans through. Fortunately, they're still throwing in some gems that haven't been played in a long time -- "La Do Da" rocked the house for one!
The show started close to on time and I was enjoying my 6th row center seat and up on my feet as soon as the guys hit the stage. Alas, not many others were. Security made those of us standing sit down around the time of "Nickel & Dime" which really had us all fairly pissed off. Fortunately Ross pretty much made everyone get on their feet as "Where Were You" started a few songs later, and we never had to sit down again. Shew!
The two set separation remained fairly well the same with the early era Journey leading chronologically to intermission followed by "the dirty dozen" and four tracks from Generations. (I spend a week learning all the dang songs and they cut 'em to four. Siiiiigggghhhh...) Deen sounded a little worn out, and when I talked to him after the show his voice was very raspy. He told me he barely made it through his last vocal before it gave out on him. I suspect the heat, relatively low humidity, and moderate altitude were all contributing factors. Poor guy was surrounded by flying insects for most of the show too!
I was also able to enjoy the wonderful fans behind me. I'm not entirely sure which was worse the woman who kept singing very loudly off key (by the time we got to "Open Arms" I just bust out laughing it was so bad) or the drunk woman who spent the entire show with her head between her legs in anticipation of the eventual, inevitable... uh... regurgitation. Siighh... it's been a long time since I've been puked on... (I have never more wished that I'd had beer dumped on me.)
So despite the annoying security early on and the annoying fans later on, I was able to enjoy a pretty darned good show. Steve definitely looked much more comfortable with his guitar for the pre-Perry era stuff (and one of the new tunes, I can't remember which, I think "Out of Harms Way.") I don't think they've perfected it yet, but a few more gigs and those early start of tour kinks should be ironed out. I do love that they've added "Who's Crying Now" back to the set -- I haven't heard that one live since December 2000 and the Vegas/DVD show! They've moved "Faith in the Heartland" down from the opener of the second set to third, which means they've cut the intro out and are using the familiar intro they've been using the last couple of year. (Bummer -- I love that intro! At least they're keeping the out though -- Deen just goes to town on those drums!)
I must say, it was quite fun singing along with the new songs -- there were about 3-4 of us who've had the CD for a few days and learned most of the words, and the guys noticed with big grins on their faces. Guess all that hard work didn't go to waste! When they hit "Every Generation" the video screens were showing fan shots from the Frontiers and Beyond video. Jon had introduced the song talking about all the generations of Journey fans. Looking up and seeing that familiar video of all those kids circa 1983, and suddenly I felt quite a bit older than I usually do at a Journey show. Usually I think I am still 15, but for some reason looking at that old footage last night really reminded me how long I've been a fan of this band because those faces were all so young!
Now, just 28 more days 'til my next show!
Set list:
People & Places intro (Okay I REALLY want them to do this whole song!)
Of a Lifetime -- Jon vox
I'm Gonna Leave You -- Jon vox
Nickel & Dime
Mystery Mountain -- Jon vox
Something to Hide -- Deen vox (wow! whatta treat)
Where Were You -- Deen vox
Patiently -- Deen vox
Feeling That Way -- Jon/Steve vox
Anytime -- Jon/Steve vox
La Do Da -- Deen vox
Any Way You Want It
-- Intermission --
Be Good to Yourself
Only the Young
Faith in the Heartland
Neal Solo -- Star Spangled Banner
Stone in Love
The Place in Your Heart
Wheel in the Sky
Higher Place
Walks Like a Lady -- Ross vox
Every Generation -- Jon vox
Chain Reaction
Voodoo Chile/Gypsy Queen -- Neal vox
Who's Crying Now
-- Jon solo --
Open Arms
Out of Harms Way
Don't Stop Believin'
Separate Ways
Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'