Santa Clara, CA
Avalon Night Club
Avalon Night Club
Just in time to kick off the summer concert season AND appease my need for some live Journey music, Gregg and his marvelous band played another Bay Area gig. I've lost track of the number of shows I've seen since Roots was released in 2001, but it must be well over a dozen by now (maybe even 2 dozen??) This past Saturday's show was the first time he had a significantly different set-list than all the previous shows I'd seen. In the past, the shows have focused primarily on songs from Roots and the classic Santana tunes we all know and love. Thus, I was puzzled by the promotion I was seeing about "an evening of songs from Journey and Santana" -- Gregg seldom performs any Journey tunes. I had only heard him do any twice -- and that was when he was first out on the road with Roots and Dave Amato was on guitar and took the Perry vocals on a couple of tracks.
Once we got through the gawd-awful comedian who would have been booed off the stage if any one had bothered to even listen to what he was rambling about, the large contingent of Nor Cal Journey fans took to the floor for key spots. Gregg and the guys took to the stage and acknowledged all the familiar faces that were standing right up front. About four songs in to the set, I noticed an unfamiliar guy standing behind Michael Carabello and wondered who he was. Shortly after, he walked out on stage and Gregg introduced him by saying "How'd you like to hear some Journey songs?" That got a great response from the crowd and the band launched into a four song set of "Just the Same Way," "Anytime," "Lights," and "Any Way You Want It." The singer (Robbie something, no one seemed to catch his last name!) did an admirable job. While he's no Steve (Perry or Augeri) he did very well. Hearing someone who clearly doesn't have the range to cover the songs as originally written, really helped drive home to me just how difficult those tunes are to sing. When the set was over, Gregg looked down at Darla, who was standing right at his feet, and said "So, how was that?" -- I laughed to myself when I saw the exchange. Yep, Gregg's gotten used to us showing up!
After the show, the band stuck around for an autograph signing session. It was a bit of a mad house, but I was able to give Gregg his JPP star that the rest of the guys received at the luncheon in Hollywood. There should be a couple of pictures around soon -- just need to get them from the people who took 'em!
I'd hoped to have the set list, but since I didn't write it down and I've yet to get a copy sent to me, we'll have to skip this time.