Tinley Park, IL
New World Music Theater
Prior to the start of the 1999 tour, a couple of folks from the Journey Digest organized "Journeyfest" which took place at the opening show of the
tour in the Chicago suburb of Tinley Park. This is my post to the Digest about the weekend's events, which included a show by Kevin
Chalfant, lead singer of The Storm.
I can't believe it's over
and I'm back home.
I know everyone's heard
what a GREAT time we all had this past weekend... it was so sad to see it
Dan and Moni -- thanks
once again for getting us all together. You put a lot of work into making
a really terrific weekend for a whole slew of folks.
Jas -- yep, everyone
signed your shirt... I helped Moni check folks in and that was part of my
instructions to everyone as they walked on thru... "sign the
t-shirts...one for Moni, one for the band, and one for Jas!" Wish
you could have been there with us!
Carol -- I'm with ya
girl! I can't think of a better bunch of ladies to ride to a biker bar
with than the seven of us piled into Mary's van. Only next time, Mary
doesn't have to drive, and I don't have to navigate! (THE 294 to THE 290
to THE 90....see I can learn!) LOL!
Mary Ann -- next time I'm
having YOU book my hotel room!
For the curious, no cans
of whoop ass were opened, and -- hate to disappoint the Mikes, but no mud
wrestling either! (Though I will admit I about fell over laughing when I
passed a woman standing in line for food who was wearing a t-shirt with, I kid
you not, a CAN OF WHOOP ASS on the back! I swear if I didn't think the
woman would have thought I was totally insane, I would have snapped a picture!)
The show was amazing...
and in the words of the other new song... we were "having a good time...
such a good time" (catchy and very appropriate for the weekend!) Rocked from
beginning to end, with people on their feet for nearly the whole show (why
anyone sat down during the new songs is beyond me, but they did...)
I only have one
complaint. I didn't realize that the word "Journeyfest" on the
back of my t-shirt translated to "I'm a world renown expert on Journey,
please ask me as many stupid questions as possible." I had SIX
people ask me what happened to Steve Perry. Including a fellow who
decided "Open Arms" was the appropriate time to pepper me with twenty
questions about the last three years in Journey-land. (Where'd they find this
guy? Was Tall Stories a cover band? What happened to Steve Smith? Who's on
drums?) Fortunately, at the end of the show, all six of these unenlightened
folks were converted, and the word "awesome" was uttered more than
once. So a suggestion to you Dan, for any further t-shirts you sell,
include a little note that reads "wearers of this shirt must be able to
explain the current state of Journey in a hundred words or less and be able to
refrain from thumping morons on the head."
To all the folks I met --
it was amazing to get to put some faces with the names. Wish I could have
spent more time with some of you, and really wish I could have said good bye to
the rest of you when it was all over. (And Pam, you're not nuts --
Convention 2000! the more the merrier!)* Journey fans are a GREAT bunch of
Set list:
Separate Ways
Stone in Love
Ask the Lonely
Having a Good Time (New)
Send Her My Love
Open Arms
Just the Same Way
World Gone Wild (New)
Wheel in the Sky
Be Good to Yourself
Any Way You Want It
Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'
Stone in Love
Ask the Lonely
Having a Good Time (New)
Send Her My Love
Open Arms
Just the Same Way
World Gone Wild (New)
Wheel in the Sky
Be Good to Yourself
Any Way You Want It
Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'
Encore #1:
Don't Stop Believin'
Encore #2:
Only the Young
Chain Reaction
*2014 addendum: Pam you were nuts. After organizing all those JPPs, I was certifiable!
Chain Reaction
*2014 addendum: Pam you were nuts. After organizing all those JPPs, I was certifiable!